I Am Unable to Be With Someone I Don’t Like

Both their gazes were locked on each other.

Sometime later, Rick suddenly leaned back and asked puzzlingly, "Lu, where is my sister lacking? In the past, you could say that she was too young and was unsuitable, but she has already grown up now. Because of your refusal back then, she nearly died, and now that she has finally walked out of those dark times, you should at least give her a chance on the account of how infatuated she is with you."

Lu Jingye looked at Rick who spoke as if everything were a matter of fact and he replied with a deep voice, "I don't think that I'm a man who is like scum and so on that account I am unable to be with someone I don't like."

"You–" Rick suddenly felt a strong rush of anger and he shouted, "How would you know you don't like her if you've never even tried?!"

"I am human and I have feelings. I would know whether I like someone or not."