Being Doted On

After they got back in Dou Xiangling's car, Dou Xiangling drove while Zi Yi took out her phone. She subconsciously checked the security system in the neighborhood and after detecting several system vulnerabilities, she decided to get Shadow to fix the loopholes later.

"Yiyi, we've arrived."

When the car drove to the entrance of the Dou residence, Dou Xiangling told Zi Yi, who was playing with her phone.

The houses in the neighborhood were all accompanied by a courtyard and each house was next to each other, separated by an ornamental wall.

The greenery here was good and there were plenty of large aged trees

The car drove straight into the parking garage of the house.

A large group of people walked out from the house the moment Dou Xiangling's car drove in and they were all headed in their direction.