You Two Are a Good Match

There were only a few individuals wearing work overalls in the large room and they were all encircled around a two-meter-high robot as they discussed.

Clearly, they did not notice the two individuals who had just entered.

Just as Dou Xiaoyong was about to speak, Zi Yi softly said, "Second Uncle, we'll go over after they are finished discussing."

Thus, Dou Xiaoyong did not call out to them.

Just then, one of the individuals said, "The debugging of the program is done, we can start testing it now."

The other individuals all agreed and stepped aside.

Following that, the robot's body jumped a distance of ten meters and it released a punch at a fast speed. As its punch struck against a steel wall, a large hole was instantly formed.

Yet, Zi Yi's ears twitched at that moment and she said in a loud voice, "The screw in the robot's XX part is loose, get away quickly."

Having said that, she strode towards the robot in large steps.