Zi Yi and Aisha

Li Xia also took out her phone and checked the school forum after hearing the comments from the people around them. After she took a quick glance, she hastily showed Zi Yi her phone. "Look, this foreign girl is really pretty."

She then said, "But she's not as pretty as you."

Zi Yi looked at the photos on the phone and narrowed her eyes.

Since she came knocking on the door on her own accord, then she had better not blame her for being rude.

She then looked away and calmly signaled to Li Xia. "Eat."

Li Xia originally had something to say, but when she saw that Zi Yi did not seem to be interested, she put away her phone.

However, after lunch, they were met with a group of people heading in their direction.

The two people standing in the middle seemed to be surrounded by several others. In particular, everyone seemed to be rather enthusiastic towards the foreign woman.