Each With Their Own Plan

The mother and daughter stood up. While under the weight of everyone's strange gazes, the middle-aged woman felt humiliated, and so she asked the young lady in an angered tone, "Wanling, what's the matter with you?"

The young lady angrily pointed at Zi Yi. "She pushed me."

Dou Xiangling was enraged at her words. "You're talking nonsense. Clearly, you were the one who wanted to bump into my cousin Yiyi. She had avoided you and so you ended up bumping into Mrs. Wang."

"How can I possibly bump into Zi Yi? We have no grudges between us." Wang Wanling's voice suddenly rose and she angrily argued. Tears swirled around in her eyes and she had an appearance as if she was being wronged.

Mrs. Wang's expression was also rather ugly and she said, "My Wangling is an educated young lady and so how could she do something like bumping into others?"