Twenty Whips

Patriarch Lu looked at the grandson he was the proudest of, and who was arguing back. The flame of fire deep within him could not be suppressed at all and he asked him one last time, "Are you really refusing to listen to my words for this woman?"

Lu Jingye replied, "I can heed anything you say, except for this."

"Good! Very good!" Patriarch Lu shouted towards the housekeeper, "Go get me my whip."

The moment Zi Yi heard that he wanted to fetch his whip, she furrowed her brows. "You're going to hit Ah Jing?"

Lu Zhiheng immediately shouted at her in a loud voice, "This is the Lu Family affairs and it's not an outsider's turn to question."

Zi Yi tilted her head and shot him a chilly look.

A sneer curled up on the corner of Lu Zhiheng's lips.

Zi Yi felt her hand itching. Just as she wanted to take action, a large hand grabbed her hand.

Lu Jingye said to her in a low voice, "Yiyi, don't talk."