Someone Reported that You Got Someone to Beat Up a Group of People Last Night

The group of people waiting outside were also taken care of while Zi Yi was handling those who intruded into her villa.

Not long after, Little Loli along with a few other robots threw the group of intruders outside, the people behind the scenes had also received the news.

All of them were shocked.

"Didn't Lu Jingye get chased out of the Lu Family? Why does he still have men under him?"

The reason they had sent people to deal with Lu Jingye was because they thought that he had been chased out of the Lu Family and so no longer had those groups of elite bodyguards protecting him.

They never expected that the people they had sent were all taken care of.

"What a group of useless things!" Rick had also gotten to know of this very soon and he sneered at those people.

All of a sudden, his phone started ringing.

Rick walked over and grabbed his phone. His eyes suddenly narrowed.

It was an unknown caller.