Student Zi, What Do You Mean by That?

Zi Yi and Nangong Yu took the staff route when they arrived at the stadium.

The entire stadium had already been fully decorated and there were numerous tables, chairs and benches placed all around.

Other than M.Uni who had three student volunteers, universities within the capital had also sent student representatives and each of them were the backbone of their university.

As soon as the three of them arrived at the gathering area, everyone was stunned by Zi Yi's appearance.

"Oh god, M.Uni's Zi Yi is so beautiful. I've seen her photos online before, but she's prettier than her photos!"

"I've watched the videos of her participating in the racing competition. Her presence feels different today."

"Her painting skills are really superb and it has even surpassed that of the masters. I've never seen anyone who could paint so impressively."

When people give out praises, there would definitely be people who disliked it.