How Rich Is Zi Yi?

Zi Yi knew that the Dou Family members were worried about Zi Xu and would certainly want to say something to her and Ah Jing. She nodded and said, "Alright."

After she came out of Dou Xiaoyong's office, there were many people on campus discussing Zi Xuan's incident.

At the same time, her name was also mentioned.

"Zi Xuan is Zi Yi's younger sister. Say, now that Zi Xuan passed away, will Zi Yi be sad?"

"I guess so? After all, they're biological sisters."

"Eh~ Zi Yi has come to school. Shouldn't she be dealing with her sister's funeral matters?"

"Could it be that she isn't feeling sad at all?"

"Zi Yi is too cold hearted!"

More and more people started discussing Zi Yi, but in less than half an hour's time, the news of Zi Yi taking a leave of absence spread around.

She had not requested a week of leave but instead her request was for half a month. The voices of discussion had disappeared without a trace.