Say, Which Base Do You Think the Second Young Master and Zi Yi Are at?

It was already 4 p.m in the afternoon by the time Zi Yi and Lu Jingye arrived at the secret base.

The managers of the secret base and Elder Hu all came out to welcome their arrival.

As soon as Elder Hu saw Zi Yi, he had a wide smile on his face and he pulled Zi Yi towards the lab. "Little Zi, you're finally here. Come, let's work on some experiments together."

Lu Jingye looked at the two distant figures. It took him a few seconds before he shifted his gaze away and looked at the five managers, who were craning their necks to look in the same direction.

The five of them immediately stood upright after noticing Lu Jingye's gaze on them.

Lu Jingye said to them, "Let's go to the conference room."

He headed towards one of the buildings after saying that.

Ji Dekun winked at the others and whispered, "Say, which base do you think the Second Young Master and Zi Yi are at?"