Little Zi, What Did You Do Yesterday?

The day flew by in a flash.

When Zi Yi and Elder Hu came out from the laboratory, they were met with a person walking back and forth.

Elder Hu looked at Wang Biao and asked Zi Yi, "Little Zi, what did you do yesterday to make Little Wang look so uneasy today? I saw that he had also come here at noontime, but he left after seeing that you were not around. I didn't expect he would be hanging around here again."

Zi Yi smiled and her eyes curved into crescent moons as she said in all seriousness, "I guess that he should have something important to ask, but he can't let Ah Jing know of it. That's why he's pacing back and forth here, waiting to ask for my help."

Lu Jingye had to take care of things in the outside world and he would usually be at the office building.

"Haha… is that so? I'll head over to the canteen first then. Else that little guy would be embarrassed to mention what he needs from you if I stay here."

Elder Hu left after that.