Deciding On a Wedding Date

Dou Yue'er held herself back but when she finally could not hold back anymore, she said, "Yiyi, you're too stingy!"

"That's called knowing how to spend my days wisely." Zi Yi started to lie through her teeth and talk nonsense while she complained about how poor she was. "Ever since Ah Jing stepped down from the position of Lu Group's President, we've been living on a tight budget, to the point that I might not even have money to buy milk tea soon."

Dou Xiangling, who knew that Zi Yi was richer than all of them combined: "…"

Yiyi, doesn't your conscience hurt when you lie?

Unexpectedly, the high-schooler Dou Yue'er believed her. She immediately revealed a sympathetic expression. "Yiyi, I didn't expect that you would be so miserable now."

She thought for a while and said, "How about this. I've saved up some pocket money in recent years. I'll… lend it to you first."

"Why don't you give it to me?"

"In your dreams."