I Was Too Impatient

Lu Jingye was not the type who liked to take advantage of petty gains. After hearing the price offered by Mr. Chen, he said, "Mr. Chen, you can head over to the East side of Country J in the coming days to purchase some land. Before you head over, do meet up with our embassy that is situated over there. It'll be easier to get the rights of land usage that way."

"Really?" Mr. Chen's face flushed with excitement in an instant. He hastily stood up and held out his hands towards Lu Jingye. "Second Young Master, thank you so much for your advice."

However, Lu Jingye did not stretch out his hand and he merely said, "There are regulations there and you had better check them out first before heading over."

"Yes, yes, I'll go back and get my staff to make preparations right away."