Earning a Huge Sum of Money

Zi Yi continued listening to a few other conversations. They were either looking down on him or they planned to make it so that he could not enter the finals.

Zi Yi sneered. "Do they honestly think my cars are something that they can tamper with if they want to?"

Lu Jingye said, "Some people are planning to go with underhanded methods. There's a need to guard against them."

"No worries. I installed a special feature on the car. It will emit protective light waves when other cars approach. Those who wish to crash against him will bounce off instead."

Lu Jingye nodded his head approvingly. "Very good."

He then pressed a button on his wristwatch and a virtual screen appeared.

While he was operating the watch, he said, "Since that's the case, let's open a bet."

Zi Yi looked at the platform that formed quickly and she planned to bet five billion.

Lu Jingye stopped her. "Bet 500 million first and slowly add on later."
