You Are Responsible For Holding Him Down and Preventing Him From Moving

Within the hot springs villa.

Zi Yi woke up from her afternoon nap and Lu Jingye informed her. "Father is coming back."

Zi Yi immediately guessed the reason for that. "Third Uncle must have been unable to handle the dispatching of the military supplies. Patriarch Lu had no choice but to have him exchange places with your Dad."

"That's right."

While talking, they walked side by side outside.

They just so happened to see Ian coming out from his courtyard.

At the sight of them, Ian came over and asked, "Lu, Zi, what plans do you have for the afternoon?"

Lu Jingye asked Zi Yi, "Do you want to go skiing?"

Just as Zi Yi was about to nod her head, Ian furrowed his brows and said, "I didn't bring my ski equipment."

"The villa has ski equipment prepared for guests."

"I can't. I will have an allergic reaction if I wear someone else's ski equipment."
