Who Gave You the Confidence To Talk Big Like That?

The three of them went out to the periphery edge of the ski resort.

By the time they came back, Lu Jingye and Dou Zerui each had something in their hands.

Dou Zerui was carrying a bundle of winter bamboo shoots strung together by thin soft branches, while Lu Jingye held two rabbits in his hands.

Zi Yi was carrying a few wild fruits.

While walking she said, "These fruits are very sweet. They can be mine and my cousin's dessert after the meal."

Dou Zerui laughed and said, "You even fell from the tree just to pluck these few fruits. I think you can just keep it for yourself. If Xiangling knows what trouble you went to, to pluck those, she would be embarrassed to even eat them."

Zi Yi gave him a glare. Can you not mention this again?!

"What do you mean I fell? I saw Ah Jing coming over and I jumped down on purpose."