Taking an Exam In Passing

"Why will Ah Jing get angry?" Zi Yi was dissatisfied with Ian's question. "Even if his Grandfather asks Ah Jing to return, he won't go back."

Mrs. Lu immediately agreed. "That's right. My son has been the Lu Family's money-making tool for so long and now that he has gotten his freedom, it's not like he likes inflicting self-abuse, so why would he want to go back?"

Ian: "…"

It seems like he had mentioned a topic that both women did not like to hear and had made them angry.

In order to avoid being hated, he wisely chose to bury his head and continue eating.

After they finished breakfast, Zi Yi wrote a prescription for Ian and said, "The First Hospital has all the medicine available. You can head over and purchase it from them."

Ian held onto the several pages worth of prescription and was silent for a moment before he asked, "Zi, did I somehow offend you?"

Else, why are there so many medicines written down?