There’s Someone Who Wants To Marry You?

Zi Yi was not here to argue with him. She informed him over lunch. "You can't be the only racer in the club. I'll give you three months of annual leave. While you're at it, go and find some racers."

Zhou Shijin knew that it was impossible for the club to only have one racer, but he could not help but retort. "Why am I the one looking for them? Shouldn't it be your job as the boss?"

Zi Yi shrugged her shoulders. "I don't rely on the club to make a living. If you don't want to go, why don't I sell the club?"


Zhou Shijin took a deep breath and a long time later, after he had gnashed his teeth, he asked, "What requirements do you have?"

Zi Yi glanced at him and said in all seriousness, "Anyone is fine, just as long as they have a better personality than you."
