Quick, Shake the Bug Away

Even though Zhang Ying found it strange, she still sent the envelope to Dou Xiangling's office.

"Teacher Dou, someone sent you a letter through the post. My name was written on the outside of the parcel though… the person who sent it is very weird."

Dou Xiangling walked over and took the envelope and said, "Thank you."

She glanced at the words written on the envelope. It was a rather familiar handwriting.

Zhang Ying had also craned her neck to take a look. "Could it be that Teacher Zhang sent it to you? Why didn't he just send it directly to you instead?"

Having said that, she recalled that Teacher Zhang told her to inform Dou Xiangling of some things before he left. "Teacher Dou, Teacher Zhang told me to tell you to visit his apartment. Have you been there yet?"

Dou Xiangling did not have the slightest ounce of feelings for him anymore. Instead, she was still angry at how he had concealed his true colors.