Heart Pain

Zi Yi was noncommittal. Have you chosen the materials and potted plants?"

"Not yet. Ian shrugged his shoulders and said, "Dou Xiangling and I did not fancy any of those materials and potted plants. We had a discussion. We'll customize the materials, while I'll take care of the potted plants problem."


Zi Yi became interested. "What kind of potted plants do you plan to prepare for our art gallery?"

"Of course, we have to get potted plants that are worthy of the art gallery. Those available at the flower and bird market are all ordinary potted plants. For the gallery, we should at the very least buy expensive types."

Speaking of this, Ian turned around and glanced at Zi Yi's garden.

"For example, like those in your courtyard."

"…" ​​Zi Yi declared. "These plants were gifted to me by Ah Jing. I will not take them out."