Jingye and Little Zi Must Be Together


Lu Jianlin had a livid expression on his face. "My son has already sacrificed so much. It's impossible for me to forbid him from the happiness he wants."

He thought of how his eldest son had to play two roles, work and do missions, ever since his second son became brain dead.

Lu Jianlin was so angry that his eyes turned red.

"Then what do you want? To see Father meet his maker due to anger?"

Lu Jianlin was also vexed right now. He could not possibly look on as something happened to his Father.

"Second Brother, don't you know what situation the Lu Family is in right now?"

"I know…" but isn't everything caused by Father?!

Lu Jianlin did not say the latter half out loud. However, he was firm in his decision. "Jingye and Little Zi must be together."

"Then do you want to look on helplessly as Father…"

"There will be someone to rescue him!"