Then Why Are You Talking Nonsense There?

Eldest Master Lu and Lu Jianlin went after the housekeeper together.

The First Madam and the rest supported Lu Zhiheng inside the room and Doctor He hastily went over to check on him.

Just then, the scanner in Lu Jingye's hands had reached Patriarch Lu's head

Looking at the worm wriggling in Patriarch Lu's head, Zi Yi and Lu Jingye's expressions froze at the same time.

"What parasite is this?"

Zi Yi looked at the parasite that was squirming beside the brain marrow and she said with a serious expression, "If my guess is right, it should be a parasite that feeds on one's marrow. As long as the parasite enters the brain marrow, even an immortal can't save him anymore."

Her words caused the expressions of everyone to change.

The First Madam felt that Zi Yi was deliberately scaring them and said discontentedly, "Don't talk nonsense here. If it's really a parasite that feeds on the brain marrow, how could Father still be fine."