He Only Lost Some Blood, Why Would He End Up Becoming Infertile?

The First Lady sobbed. "It's… It's possible that he has become infertile."

Eldest Master Lu's expression instantly turned livid. "He only lost some blood, why would he end up becoming infertile?"

If his son could not have children, how was he to face his ancestors?!

"I don't know either, I don't know… Wuuuu…"

Eldest Master Lu got even angrier. Veins bulged out from his forehead and he roared at the phone. "Shut up and stop crying so easily. Immediately hand the phone to Zhiheng's attending doctor and get him to explain what is going on to me."

The First Madam sobbed for some time before the attending doctor's voice sounded from the phone. "Eldest Master Lu."

"Tell me about Zhiheng's condition and be detailed."

It was not known what the attending doctor said to him, but Eldest Master Lu's expression seemed as if he had been struck by lightning.

Lu Jianlin saw Eldest Master Lu who suddenly staggered and he asked, "What's the matter?"