Taking Care of Zhang Hanyu

Zi Yi brought out the virtual keyboard and quickly tapped on it as she looked at the list of toxins.

Shortly after, the antidote corresponding to each toxin was reflected.

Just then, Lu Jingye and Elder Hu came in.

Elder Hu was originally about to say something but when he saw what was reflected on the virtual screen, he instantly forgot what he wanted to say and widened his eyes at the same time.

Sometime later, he raised his voice and asked in shock, "Little Zi, how did you do that?"

Zi Yi replied in a casual tone, "As long as these toxins are detected and compared against the worldwide medicinal database, such information would appear."

"…Gosh! You know that was not what I'm asking. I'm asking you how you managed to detect so many toxins!"

"By using the equipment," Zi Yi casually answered as she continued typing on the virtual keyboard.