Ah Jing, Save Me~

The snow that was accumulated on the nearby trees fell down due to the tremor.

Zi Yi made eye contact with Lu Jingye and he tightened his grip on her. "It should be a group of wild animals heading this way. Let's get out of here first."

The wild animals in the mountains were all protected animals and it was impossible for them to kill them directly.

However, Zi Yi was a little curious about the tremor and she said, "Why don't we go up the tree and wait? Let's see what kind of wild animals it is."

Lu Jingye had no means to refuse this young lady who was curious about everything and he ended up agreeing.

Zi Yi put away the snowboard and soon, the both of them climbed up a large tree.

Not long after they climbed up the tree, the movements from afar had arrived.

When she saw a pack of wolves rushing over, just as Zi Yi was about to speak, Lu Jingye whispered in her ear, "Don't speak. There's something chasing them from behind."