Junior Sister, You Went Back On Your Words

Zi Yi looked at her inexplicably. "So what if I heard it?"

The female student choked and her cheeks instantly turned red as she said grumpily, "I will get this year's scholarship!"

Zi Yi nodded her head. "Then good luck."

She started walking forward after she said that and when she brushed past the female student's side, she thought about it and stopped to say, "I'm not M.Uni's specialty; M.Unis specialty is confidence and unwillingness to give up. If you wish to prove yourself, you should work hard."

Zi Yi left after she said her piece.

The female student suddenly looked up at Zi Yi and with her hands clenched tightly, she shouted, "Zi Yi, I am Xia Mengqi from the Chemistry Department and I'm in Year 3. I hope that I can meet you on the scholarship bulletin board!"

Zi Yi did not even turn back and responded with an 'okay' before she walked further away.

Xia Mengqi stood there for a long time and remained still.