There’s Only One of Him and No One Can Compare

It was clearly a three person group, but yet Zi Yi felt a particularly lively atmosphere as if there were more participants.

The other two started talking about the previous time Zi Yi helped remove the accumulated snow, then about how M.Uni could only come in second place during the competition, and thus, they had received the nickname of forever second.

Zhang Zhuang: [Junior Zi, I think you wouldn't believe it but I have seen the previous international chemistry competition and we were clearly not lacking compared to the other schools in terms of theory. However, we would always encounter some accidents in the practical section.]

Zhou Xiao added: [I feel that our M.Uni is cursed. Otherwise, how could there be such a strange repeated occurrence each time?]

Zi Yi looked at the messages from the two students who had started talking about how M.Uni was cursed, and after they were more or less done with their discussion, she sent a message.