Who Came Up With This Question? Isn’t It Too Difficult?

"Why not…?"

Compared to the female student's irritable attitude, Zi Yi looked so calm that it made people suspect if she had even thought about it before she spoke a long list of chemical formulas.

While talking, it ended up as a debate in the end.

Of course, Zi Yi was the one talking most of the time and the girl with braids turned a flushed red and was speechless.

With such a big commotion, the reporters from the education stations got the camera operators to film the scene.

"This would definitely be good as a behind-the-scenes clip."

Other than the reporters, even a group of invigilators and members of the International Chemistry Association were attracted by the commotion.

One of the members of the association was shocked when he heard Zi Yi's debate. "This female student can easily mention so many difficult chemical formulas in such a fluent manner! How did she manage to do that?!"

The others were also shocked.