You’ve Been Playing With These For At Least Three Hours, It’s Bad For Your Eyes

Lu Jingye had been like this since he was a child. Before he did anything, he would make a meticulous plan in advance, and not to mention, he was very resourceful. He was able to defeat the opponent without any commotion.

Lu Jianlin was not worried that the Song Jewelry would be defeated by the other companies and thus, he did not continue on this topic.

Just then, Mrs. Lu and Zi Yi each brought a cup of milk tea out and came over.

After Mrs. Lu sat down next to Lu Jianlin, she suddenly asked, "Second Master He is dead and his son, He Fei hasn't come back yet?"

Mrs. Lu had seen He Fei before in the past and even though he seemed playful, he was not bad in nature. Not to mention he was an emotional person and according to reason, he should have rushed back home the first instance something so big happened.

Lu Jingye knew the reason for this. "He and Ouyang Ming went to do business at the Golden Triangle but they have been detained."