Honey Trap

In a certain high-end bar in Country Em.

"I heard that Lu Jingye came to Country Em."

"He's finally here. I'd like to see what he can possibly use to fight with us without the Lu Group as his backing."

"Don't look down on him, he's someone who is capable of many things. I'm just afraid that he might find someone here to cooperate with."

"Since he's here to purchase a mine, he certainly would not find someone to cooperate with."

"That's right… but it was said previously that Emperor Dan Long wanted to marry Princess Ye Li'er to him. Say, now that he's come to Country Em, do you think Emperor Dan Long would…"

"Lu Jingye is married."

"So what if he's married. He can get a divorce and remarry. What's more, it's said that Princess Ye Li'er fancies Lu Jingye very much and Emperor Dan Long would certainly get him to do so."