I Can Recognize Him Even If He Turns Into Ashes

Rick and Lu Jingye were university classmates and it was no secret that Rick's younger sister was fond of Lu Jingye. When everyone heard what the mayor said, many of them turned to look at Lu Jingye with a gaze as if waiting to watch a good show.

In particular, after Rick sized up Lu Jingye and Zi Yi, he narrowed his eyes and said meaningfully, "We are indeed familiar with each other. It is as the saying goes, I can recognize him even if he turns into ashes. Lu, wouldn't you agree with me?"

Rick had said the last sentence using the imperial language and many people did not understand. But they had somehow felt a slight pressure around them.

There were many who had managed to guess that there was something going on between them.

If it was a few months back, everyone would only show all kinds of good graces towards Lu Jingye. Now that he did not have the backing of the Lu Family, everyone was more inclined to support the UP Group's President, Rick.