What The Hell?! What Did We Just See?!

On the other side.

When Bu Di and Sang Bo returned to their villa, Sang Bo called for all the bodyguards and gave an order. "Be on alert tonight. If anyone approaches, take care of them."

In the middle of the night, Sang Bo heard sounds of movements and he bounced up from the bed.

Bu Di had also sat up.

Sang Bo quickly got dressed and headed outside with a weapon. Before he left, he said to Bu Di, "Stay here and don't follow me."

"Tsk." Bu Di was unhappy with that. "Are you treating me like a woman that needs your protection?"

Sang Bo revealed a stiff expression. What he disliked the most was Bu Di saying such words.

Bu Di saw him standing there without moving and managed to guess his thoughts. He then said with a smile, "I was only joking with you, why take it so seriously?"