Don’t You Know You Will End Up Miserable If You Interrupt Others’ Good Time?

The smile on Rick's lips deepened. "The two ladies might have not paid much attention to Zi Yi before but she excels in several subjects and in particular, Chemistry. Not only did she win first place in the recent International Chemistry Competition, but she had also done something that attracted the attention of the whole Chemistry Department."

Ye Li'er and Ge Danni made eye contact.

Ye Li'er planned to check up on Zi Yi later and she said to Rick, "I will think about it."

Rick nodded his head and even specially reminded her. "There are still three days before the jadeite mines are open to the public. It's best that you make up your mind beforehand. After all, you can humiliate Zi Yi before the event and at the same time, distract Lu Jingye… Don't you wish to see Lu Jingye distracted due to Zi Yi's affairs and get attacked from all sides, making him end up with nothing?"