Is Sister-in-law Pregnant?

Zi Yi did not say anything in front of the manager. After they returned to the car she started educating Lu Yunxiao. "If you encounter such people who are clearly taking advantage of you, you have to bargain with them. The money you have earned is what you have exchanged for by fighting with your life on the line and you should cherish it. Otherwise, if someone else blackmails you in the future, you'll have worked for nothing!"

Zi Yi did not care if it was her money. To her, earning money was just a matter of minutes and so she asked, "You gave the other party 100 million, do you still have money to spend? If you don't have enough, I'll get Ah Jing to transfer you a few hundred million."

Lu Yunxiao looked at Zi Yi and his heart felt warm.

So it turns out… the feeling of having a sister-in-law was like this.

He replied, "I have money."