Do You Know Why I Hate Lu Jingye So Much?

Zi Yi quickly took out a circular ball and threw it out.

The circular ball transformed into a shield protecting her and the green laser was blocked by the shield.

Zi Yi sneered. "Just this? What do you think you could possibly do to me?"

Rick also smiled. "Then you had better keep watching."

Having said that, another special gun appeared in his hand and his body quickly moved at the same time.

While Rick was moving around quickly, he fired both guns at the same time.

The red and green laser formed a net and it flew down towards Zi Yi. At the same time, the space became distorted.

Zi Yi quickly took a few steps back and threw out several circular balls at the same time.

The circular balls combined with each other in the air and transformed into a lightsaber.

Zi Yi grabbed the hilt and a powerful light shone down.


The space magnetic field was slashed apart.