Don’t Tell Me You’re The One Who Created This Prohibited Drug?

Anya ended up agreeing to treat He Fei.

She took out a bottle from her cloth bag, poured out a pill, and passed it to Zi Yi. "Feed this to him."

Zi Yi took the pill, sniffed it, and listed the medicinal ingredients used to create the pill. She then looked at Anya and asked, "Don't tell me you're the one who created this prohibited drug, yes?"

Anya actually admitted it, but she still explained why. "Fighting and killing happen rather often there and it's easy to break an arm or leg. Moreover, there are many people who would take drugs. These types of people would only end up worse off than in the first place. They wanted to get a faster relief, so I created that type of drug."

Zi Yi called for Shadow. "Feed this pill to He Fei."

Subsequently, she asked Anya, "Since you created this drug, it must be selling like hotcakes. You didn't make any money from it?"