Cousin Yiyi, Did You Check Your Social Media?

When the Lu brothers arrived at the backyard, Lu Jianlin just so happened to be doing morning exercises there. The moment he saw Lu Yunxiao coming over, he stopped and said with a stern face, "You had better attend the blind dates. At the very least, you have to sit with them for a full 30 minutes. I will have my men keeping watch."

Lu Yunxiao: "…I understand."

It was already the 25th of the twelfth lunar month which brought them even closer to the New Year.

Even though Zi Yi and Lu Jingye moved back to the Lu Family's villa and Mrs. Lu had made them have a good rest, it was impossible to rest the entire day.

Needless to say, Lu Jingye had tons of work to arrange and he had left for the jewelry store early in the morning.

Zi Yi had a lot of follow-up work to do after yesterday's art exhibition.

Even though Lu Jingye had sent Secretary Shao over to help her, she still returned to the art gallery after lunch.