Some Suspicious People Came to the Bar In Recent Days

Ouyang Qing's incident was soon settled. When everyone was keeping watch on the Ouyang Family's next move, among the high-society circle, there was news that they were planning to connect with a few other families through marriage.

When Zi Yi learned about it, she was a little surprised.

"The Ouyang Family really can't wait to unite with these families and deal with us?"

"It doesn't matter." Lu Jingye was not worried about this at all. "Since they want to get married, they can go ahead and do so."

Even if the families were connected by marriage, it would not have had an impact on Lu Jingye's plans.

It was already the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month and there were still two days before the New Year's

Second Master Lu also took leave and stayed at home.

Mrs. Lu started to instruct the helpers at home to clean up the house and prepare fresh New Year's goods that had not yet been prepared.