You Are the Violin Prince, Y!

"Fourth Sis, tell me the truth. Which stage have you and Ian progressed to?"

Dou Xiangling quickly stuffed an orange into Dou Yurui's mouth with the intention of stopping her from talking. At the same time, she guiltily took a peek in Ian's direction. "Second Sis, don't talk nonsense. Ian and I are just friends."

"Who would believe that?" Dou Yue'er said, "Brother Ian has invited all of us here and even I am suspecting that he wants to ask you out but was worried that you might reject him. Therefore, he had asked all of us out so that you would willingly come too."

"Oh ho? It seems like you have keen eyes," Dou Yurui said, "It's obvious that's the case."

She then turned to Ian who was currently conversing about the economy with the three other men. She called out to him, "Ian."

Dou Xiangling did not manage to stop her.

Ian turned his head to look in their direction.