You Guys Are Too Worried About Me.

The studying atmosphere at M.Uni is the strongest among all the universities in China. Not long after school started, all kinds of competitions followed one after another. Everyone entered the intense studying plus competition zone.

When Zi Yi reported to the school, it was already the third day when school started.

Today just so happens to be the day where scholarships were being distributed.

She first went to the Headmaster's office.

At the sight of her, the headmaster revealed an amicable smile.

"Little Zi, you're here. Come in and have a seat."

The both of them walked to the sofa area and sat down.

The Headmaster said, "Your final exam results are all excellent so you're able to receive all the scholarships."

Zi Yi nodded her head and it did not come as a surprise to her.

The Headmaster also said, "We will be hanging both yours and Student Nangong's photos on our achievement board. Send me a photo of yourself later."