Making Things Difficult For Zi Yi

After Engineer Meng said that, he turned around and continued staring at the robot lying on the mechanical bed.

Similarly, the other four engineers also shifted their attention back to the robot.

The five of them were discussing how they were planning to improve it.

Thus, they had left Zi Yi standing over there to the side.

Zi Yi narrowed her eyes and thought of what her Second Uncle said. In the end, she did not say anything.

Mr. Tang walked over to Zi Yi's side and said to her, "Little Zi, don't take it to heart. As long as you have the abilities, they will acknowledge you sooner or later."

Zi Yi nodded her head.

Mr. Tang also said, "You can have a look around here first. I called you here in hopes that you can join the S-Class AI robot team. Our country is lacking compared to Country D in this aspect. During the International Robot Competition happening in mid-March, we have to come up with robots which are better than theirs."