Zi Yi Asks: Do You Accept Defeat or Not?

Engineer Chu snorted. "It seems like we have to teach her a lesson. Otherwise, she'll think that it's easy to create a robot!"

Engineer Peng said, "If we want to teach her a lesson, we should go for something bigger. Otherwise, she won't know where she stands."

Speaking of this, he thought of a plan. He purposely lowered his voice and said to the others, "Why don't we get Moonlight to get up and teach her a lesson? When something happens, we'll just say that we haven't debugged Moonlight's program properly yet and something went wrong."

Engineer Meng glanced at Zi Yi and said, "I don't think it's suitable? After all, she's still a young girl."

Engineer Peng. "It's precisely because she's a young girl that it's even more insulting to us. We are clearly the most confidential team in the Robot R&D Center. How can Mr. Tang just casually transfer a young girl in here?"

This had made people feel extremely uncomfortable, alright!