Zi Yi’s Skills Are Definitely Not as Simple as What We See On the Surface

Leader Li ate rather quickly and she left after she finished.

The engineer's line of sight followed the back of Leader Li as she left. Even after a long time passed, they still did not look away.

Zi Yi gave them a glance and was about to get some fruits to eat, when just then, Engineer Chu suddenly asked loudly, "Zi Yi, what are you doing?"

Zi Yi looked at him, feeling puzzled. "Going to get some fruit?"

"Sit down. I'll help you get some." Engineer Chu suddenly treated Zi Yi enthusiastically. Having said that, he stood up and headed to the area where the fruits were placed.

By the time the other four engineers recovered their senses, Engineer Chu had already arrived at the fruit section.

Engineer Yang, who was one step late, was annoyed for a moment. Before Engineer Chu came back, he hastily asked Zi Yi, "Little Zi, are you familiar with Leader Li?"


Engineer Yang suddenly felt a little relieved.