Whose Child Is This? Why Is She So Violent

A quietly electrocuted the little girl and handed her to the police before he turned around and returned to the car.

The girl suddenly woke up after A had walked back to the car. She struggled in the policemen's arms and wanted to chase after him.

After A got in the car, he started the car and drove away immediately.

The little girl scratched and kicked the policemen after the car drove away. Soon, there was a scratch mark on the policeman that was carrying her.

The onlookers could not stand it anymore.

"Whose child is this? Why is she being so violent?"

"That's right. Whose child is this? It's already such a huge commotion and yet, her parents have yet to appear. Don't tell me they are those kinds of adults that forget about their child?"

Everyone stood there and spectated for some time before they saw a flustered woman rushing over. "Yingying, where did you go running off to again? You scared me to death."