Little Zi Is My Daughter-in-Law. I Won’t Let Anything Happen to Her.

On the other side.

Looking at the video that was disconnected, Third Master Lu became cranky again.

He could not understand why they didn't accept Zi Yi and Lu Jingye's help.

"Second Brother, since Little Zi said that she could teach them a lesson without anyone knowing, why don't you let her take action? Country A is provoking us at our doorstep!"

Second Master Lu looked at him with a sullen face. "Country A is only conducting military exercises on the high seas. You're the one that's too rash."


"Alright." Second Master Lu stood up. "There's still five hours before the military exercise ends. Instead of being cranky here, it's better to pay more attention and protect our waters."

Having said that, he headed outside the conference room. When he reached the door, he suddenly stopped and said, "Little Zi is my daughter-in-law. I won't let anything happen to her."