Little Zi, Something Happened To Moonlight

At 11 in the evening, the moonlight was shining into the base through the windows, and coupled with the light source from the street lamps, it gave off a solemn feeling.

It was not the first time Engineer Yang came back to the research lab at this time. However, tonight was a little different compared to before. The 24-hour guard at the entrance was nowhere to be seen.

Even though something was different, Engineer Yang whose mind was filled with flowers did not sense anything amiss. He went in after verifying his identity.

Only Engineer Yang's footsteps could be heard in the corridor. After opening the doors to the building, the robots in the hall were still working. Engineer Yang directly made his way into the lab.

He went over to Moonlight and stood in front of him. All of a sudden, his mind buzzed, and shortly after, his hand stretched toward the control panel.