You’ve Used the Trick of a Robber Acting Like a Cop Very Well

Engineer Yang anxiously explained, "No, I didn't. At that time, my mind was in a blank state and my body was being controlled."


Deputy Director Huang sneered and Engineer Yang's body trembled involuntarily.

Zi Yi tilted her head to look at Deputy Director Huang. His expression was as though he hates evil and his gaze was as if he was facing their enemy.

She said to Mr. Tang, "Why don't we bring out the surveillance on Team Leader Li's side? I feel that there's something wrong with this Team Leader Li."

Speaking of this, she purposely paused for a second and made eye contact with Deputy Director Huang.

He felt his heart clenching tightly, but his face still looked calm. "I agree with what Little Zi said."

Zi Yi smiled. "Since Deputy Director Huang agrees, I'll really bring out the surveillance~"

With that, she snapped her finger in the air and a virtual screen appeared while everyone was staring at her.