Even If Zi Yi Came, She Won’t Get the First Place

With Little Loli's 'outspoken' speech, Mrs. Lu who did not take what Luo Ran said to heart, due to the fact that she was a child, started to take things seriously.

However, she did not mention this out loud. When she brought the Luo Family out to play, she also had Little Loli tag along.

With Little Loli following them, Zi Yi and Lu Jingye were at ease.

On the way to the Robot R&D Center, Zi Yi thought of what her Second Uncle said yesterday afternoon and she grabbed Lu Jingye's laptop to watch the competition at the School of Technology.

Recently, the School of Technology has participated in five international competitions. One of which, they won first place and as for the rest, they came in either second, third, or were in the top five.

After checking for a while, she subconsciously took a look at the competition forum.

She snorted in displeasure after one look.