I Will Never Dare To Provoke Her Again In the Future

Dou Xiangling heard Zi Yi's voice before she even entered.

She was wondering who Zi Yi was talking to and specially walked out of her office to take a look outside.

At the sight of the scene in front of her, she did not know whether to laugh or cry.

"Cousin," Zi Yi called out to her.

Qin Ze, who was following behind her like a tail, also stopped and called out, "Teacher Dou."

Dou Xiangling looked at Qin Ze and asked, "Which school are you from? How did you meet my cousin, Yiyi?"

This was the first time she had seen a student who could manage to make Zi Yi have a frown on her face. In particular, this student was not following her out of admiration but instead, because he had questions to ask.

She had overheard two sentences just moments ago. Even though she did not quite understand most of the conversation, she still managed to decipher that they were talking about math and physics.

"He's not from our school."