Do You Know How To Get Out of the Milky Way?”

The helicopter they took did not directly land in Country D. Instead, they landed in Country S, a neighboring country.

After they alighted from the helicopter, Little Loli and A took their leave first.

Zi Yi and Qin Ze were left behind together.

Both of them took a train towards a small town near the border of both countries. Zi Yi was planning to rest for a night first.

When they were in the hotel, Qin Ze could not hold himself back and ask, "Are you really planning to have Little Loli and A go just like that?"

Zi Yi glanced at him. Instead of answering his question, she said, "Then how do you want them to get there? Should I send them to the entrance of Country D's aviation R&D base?"

Qin Ze: "…"

She was really impossible to talk with!

Both of them stayed in a homestay hotel in the town.

Tourists were rare during this season and they were the only guests in the whole hotel.